Thursday, March 31, 2016

Today I went to my gym and took a boot camp class.

One of my trainers, Hannah, really truly brought it today. She does workout training for the local Police Academy, so we did one of her PA workouts.

Let's just say the warm-up was a burpee ladder/plank combo... which I am posting at the bottom of this post.

Following boot camp, I decided to forgo the weight room and do some landscaping instead while it was overcast but not raining.

Never underestimate the workout that is landscaping.

Raking gravel is EXHAUSTING.

Enjoy this snippet from today's workout courtesy my girl Hannah P. at RCC. You rock girl! Keep it up!

Wednesday, March 30, 2016


Hello all!

I've started a board on Pinterest to accompany my blog - Head there now and Follow!


I will also be pinning workouts that I have ACTUALLY completed from other boards which I feel are great workouts as well as some other health pins.

Check it.

HIIT it and Quit it


Blog post numero uno.

I love to work out. It is truly enjoyable for me.

A creative outlet, even.

Pretty soon, I am considering getting my personal trainer certification or perhaps a fitness instructor certification.

Not only do I enjoy working out, but I also enjoy my gym and the people who I call friends that reside there as much as I do.

I have to work today.

Unfortunately, my gym is fifteen minutes away in the next town over.

Fortunately, I live in a neighborhood in the middle of town and exercising at home is pretty decently easy.

Today is HIIT day.

The workout I am completing is below.


My #Fitspiration

I'm looking for something. But then again, isn't everyone?

Difference is... I'm not quite sure what it is that I'm looking for.

You see, currently life is a complicated mess of things that I never planned for. I'm working on it, promise, but until then, I still have my fit goals.

I've never been overweight, so I don't have a preponderance of backstory in which I can tell you about my struggles with weight. I've always been healthy and an average size.

The past three years have been a picture of me working on becoming healthier and more fit.

Unfortunately, I have a problem with wanting to eat whatever it is that I want.

And I loooooove food. Love it. It's delicious. And awesome.

So in order to make myself start to make better food choices, I have decided to start blogging about my Fit Life. Perhaps this will be what it is that I am looking for. My Fitspiration as they call it.

Perhaps people will read along, perhaps not. Honestly, this blog is to help me and if , by chance, it also helps someone else... Well then that's just a really big plus, isn't it?