Saturday, April 2, 2016

100 Rep Challenge - Legs

I'm not sure what it's like in your neck of the woods, but today was an absolutely beautiful day in Mayberry!

And it looks like tomorrow will be too!

Since I have to work today, I decided I would save my nice weather outdoor workout for tomorrow, so look forward to that!

Also, Sunday is usually my rest day; therefore, I decided to do minimal today in the weight room, and opted for a 100 rep challenge.

Short, but effective.

Tomorrow, I will get in my outdoor cardio, but today I went the leg route.

You need to do 5 rounds of the leg block with the cardio between each round. Done correctly, it will cause leg burning. Trust.

For the weighted squats and the deadlifts I used a 40 lb bar, but you may use whatever you are comfortable using for a large amount of repetitions.


Friday, April 1, 2016

Detox Rocks

So I've been using a detox recipe for the past few weeks as an intestine-cleanse, and it. IS. AWESOME.

Our intestines are definitely not the cleanest, most awesome part of our bodies. Actually they're pretty disgusting and poisonous over time. This detox mix really does help to clean them out and leaves you feeling pretty great.

The actual drink tastes pretty good - Expect the Cayenne pepper to give it a kick!

Not to mention the unexpected side effect: The Pepper actually got rid of my congestion! Score!

I found this recipe on Pinterest. Credit to

Arm Slayer --- Rawr

Greetings Fit-Lifers (Is that a thing?)!

Today I decided to support my girl Nikki in Spin Circuit.

Yes, it is exactly what it sounds like. The terror/exhaustion of spin combined with the burn of weight training. Add into the mix that Nikki is a beast on her own and you have a pretty effective lunchtime class.

I usually get to the gym a little before her class and ask her what we are concentrating on in class that day so I can get in some pre-workout-workout with whatever she won't be stressing.

Today, she let me know that we were going to be doing legs and abs, soooooo arms it was!

I did a little cardio/arm combination which is posted at the bottom of this update. I will say this as well - If you've never tried a spin-circuit type class, you definitely should.

Nikki did five rounds legs/abs. To outline:

3 Minutes of Spin:

  • 1 minute of medium tension sitting
  • 1 minute of medium-high tension hover
  • 1 minute of high tension standing mountain climb
Ab Reps:
  • 25 crunches
  • 25 crossover crunches - left side
  • 25 crossover crunches - right side
  • 25 crossover reverse crunches - left side
  • 25 crossover reverse crunches - right side
  • 25 full sit ups
--End Round--

We did this five times.

All in all? Great workout.

Give it a shot! 

And on the Arm/Cardio side, I present: